Healthy breakfast can help you lose weight


Did you know that one of the best ways to feel great and energized during the day to eat breakfast? So many individuals nowadays do not eat breakfast and most of them do not even eat right if they do. Let me show you a good eat breakfast to lose fat and what you should eat breakfast.

Below I will show you what you should eat breakfast to feel good during the day and what you can expect if you decide to eat breakfast.

The most common breakfast nowadays involve sugary foods, juices, meat, eggs and bread. That’s pretty much what most people eat now and it is not healthy or should call breakfast.

A healthy breakfast should have a lot of foods containing protein, fruits, and some vegetables. You should definitely have an apple, egg and water for breakfast. Apple has fiber and fiber makes you feel full. Eggs are full of protein and other healthy nutrients when eaten raw. Yes, I eat raw eggs and the effects are amazing. Water also makes you feel full and important to your health.

Always try to include three food down for breakfast if possible. You can also add vegetables like carrot, too. Now let’s talk about the food you should not eat breakfast.

You should not eat sugary foods like donuts, soda and the like. You should not drink coffee because it will make you feel sleepy during the day. You should not eat bacon or drink fruit juice. Overall, you just need to prevent spam, sugar and fatty foods.

Eat a healthy breakfast keeps your body feeling fuller and energy throughout the day. This will cause you to not eat a lot and prevents you from sleeping or keep still, that’s not good for losing weight.

Now that I shared with you some tips you can start using to look better in 2008 … I will show you a diet that myself and thousands of others are using to lose weight naturally and quickly. You can download it and learn all about it below.


Stay Fit to eat healthy as well


Do you think that attack weight loss program means you have to give up everything you’ve grown used to? The answer is both yes and no. Although we can not let a regular basis, we can certainly put the time to splurge on the foods that we go crazy for. There are several recipes available on the shelves of expert chefs who have brought together all the nutrients to promote healthy dishes for weight loss treatment system, providing us with weight loss solutions that we need.

There are some very low calories and nutritious recipes that help to keep the body in tip top shape. This can be easily incorporated into the daily life regardless of the fact that you’re working mother or a stay at home mom. These recipes are easy to cook and spare you from a long time in the kitchen.

Low calories recipes are devised in order to provide the right balance of nutrition your family. These recipes have nutrients that help in boosting the body’s metabolism, strengthen the heart, providing protein for joints, reduce the acid levels in the stomach and thereby improve digestion.

The most important meal all day breakfast which acts as fuel to run all day working. So, make sure you have a healthy and nutrient packed breakfast every day.

Usually, most of the time you are in such a hurry to reach office on time and prepare breakfast for the kids at home as well. So these easy to cook nutritious recipes served become very useful. These recipes are healthy and delicious to eat so you will not be tempted to skip breakfast daily. The principle is not to be afraid of carbohydrates in the morning, you will burn them off, as the day progresses scale back from them until the last meal should preferably have little or no carbohydrates.

Blueberry Almond Vanilla Cereal

Title dish itself suggests various nutritious qualities recipe. Blueberry is a rich source of vitamin C. Almonds are a source of saturated fat and protein.


High-fiber cereal (wheat frayed or low-fat granola) – 1 cup

Vanilla flavored soymilk 1/2 cup

Fresh blueberries- 1/4 cup

Toasted Almonds- 1 tablespoon


Keep corn in the refrigerator for some time. Place corn in a bowl and pour the vanilla soy milk on top. Mix well. Wash blueberries if fresh. You can also use frozen blueberries in a dish. Add blueberries in a bowl of milk and cereal preparations. Sprinkle chopped or sliced ​​almonds in a bowl. Almonds serve as garnishing. Now serve cold blueberries vanilla almond cereal for breakfast. Easy to prepare and quite healthy breakfast is prepared at your table. It hardly takes more than 5 minutes preparation

The whole recipe contains great deals on nutritional-320 calories .:

D 11 g Protein

o carbohydrates 55g

o 8.3 mg fiber

D 53 mg of sodium

o 7g fat


Why you should love to eat a healthy breakfast Foods


How important are they served food at the beginning of the day? Well, I think we’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but we either do not agree or can not seem to manage it. I hear it more and more frequently these days eating breakfast is not that big of a deal.

There are those who do not like to eat in the beginning of the day, others do not feel like they have the time and many people just want to sleep for a few minutes. Whatever the reason, it is important to note that there are more good reasons to get that first meal, but to go to it.

Skipping breakfast leaves your stomach empty and all you need to get done before noon, chances are you’re going to grab some sugary snack or two to get you by. The body needs vitamins, minerals and energy to do its job. If you do not think of it first then it is difficult to fit it in after you start with all the other demands on your time.

By consuming good food at the beginning of the day you are able to help the body do not have to worry about nutrition and you can now focus on other things. You will have better concentration and memory. Craving for sweets and fast unhealthy snack lowers not only helps you to focus, and helps regulate the waist line too.

You might be surprised to find out how many fast and easy options are available for a healthy breakfast foods. From prepackaged whole grain pancake mixes, corn muffins and delicious fruits and drinks that provide everything you need in the first most important meal of the day. Make sure you check the ingredients and do not be fooled by those who claim to be healthy. Avoid high fructose corn syrup and sugar.

Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are not going to provide the body with sustainable energy you are going to need. It depends on how hard you work your body you may need more or less than the suggested daily value. You should learn what works for your body and activity level. If you find yourself getting hungry, eat more whole grains that will last longer.

It is important to note that the health benefits of eating a balanced breakfast to come one or two days. It takes several days or even weeks to really build momentum healthy eating. You need to make it a habit to choose healthy breakfast foods and take time every day to get that first meal.

Why not do tomorrow morning, the best yet. Find your breakfast you know you’ll love. If you do not like it you will not eat it, no matter how healthy it is. To encourage you to take time to eat on the first day you have to find the breakfast food that you enjoy eating. Make it a habit and give the body no excuse to take the unwanted calories from sweets. Soon you will learn how a healthy person you can be.


Healthy Breakfast Foods


There is always surrounded by silly excuse of lack of time. And still no denying that the “breakfast” is the most important meal of the day.

Why such a hullabaloo about this early morning meal? Well, for starters, this meal is interrupted by 8-10 hours; where blood sugar gets low. Since your body has had food out for so long, it needs nutrients to kick-start their time. The “breakfast” is considered to be important and essential meal of the day.

costs both young and old. It is the key to jump start your muscles and day. People who eat breakfast (healthy) daily are more likely to

 - Consume more vitamins, minerals and less fat and cholesterol.

- Increased strength and stamina.
- better concentration and productivity throughout the day.
- Control of weight
- Low cholesterol = no risk or low risk of heart disease

Children who eat breakfast are more likely to have better concentration, problem-solving skills and eye-hand coordination. They will be alert, creative, and less likely to miss school days.

If you think skipping this meal will help you lose weight, think again. By passing this meal, your body will go into starvation mode and make you crave snacks, especially sweets. Impulsive snacking on unhealthy foods can lead to weight gain. So you urge lose weight by omitting breakfast remains unachieved.

Try to choose healthy foods from at least two food groups every morning

 - Fruits & Vegetables

- Grains
- Dairy
- Protein

A glass of pure fruit juice, bananas, yogurt, low-calorie muesli with semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, fresh fruit salad with a few teaspoons of low-fat yogurt, fresh and raw vegetables mixed with flavored yogurt, a slice of toast or plain bread with eggs, boiled or poached are some of the options for breakfast. Kids can enjoy a smoothie with your favorite fruit; add a dash of yogurt or honey to make it more delicious.

If you look forward to eating different kinds of healthy foods for breakfast, as you are less skip this meal. If time is a hurdle, think about packing breakfast or dinner at ‘Run’, that’s better than skipping it altogether.


Best Healthy Breakfast Foods


I’m sure we are all aware of the fact that a healthy breakfast foods make a big difference, advice from health professionals, hypochondriac, doctors and of course, your personal trainer, if you have one. It is because you are actually breaking the ‘fast’ from the previous night. It’s a no-brainer … is not it? And yet some of us [if not most] do not consider breakfast meal.

Consider Jack makes 14 hours a day as a software designer at a large multinational company and Jill, his wife, the full job is to take care of the kids, laundry, house and so on and so forth. Basically, a thankless job! And as for Jack, who made his balls and brains everyday to pay the mortgage, put food on the table and, in fact, pay the bills. Somewhere in this rigor to monitor this life, to stay afloat or stay on, compromises have to be made in the name of health.

breakfast omitted here, hurried lunch and when it’s time for dinner … they are too tired to eat. This is just another day in the life of Jack and Jill. Does this sound familiar? People who have really address the “daily grind” find these conversations about health a little neurotic, and who can blame them? There is a lot that needs to get done, fine. I’m sorry, but that can wait. As the old saying goes: Health is Wealth! And for those with anorexia bent of mind … You will not lose weight if you skip a meal, but rather the opposite.

Although, however, I understand that sometimes routine can be more pressing, such as time is a big factor in determining whether you have a healthy breakfast, let alone have one (at least Jack and Jill this world), here are the five best healthy breakfast foods that can manage according to their preferences, well, just before you go out to “save the world”. And when you’re done with this, consider yourself bitten by ‘hypochondriac’ faults, at least marginally, that is.

Now, tip before you read on. Just as they say that “Variety is the spice life “… remember when you go to prepare a healthy breakfast. These tips will help you focus better at work, help you manage your weight well, rather obviously will contribute to the longevity of life.

You can have them mostly in the form of liquid minus added sugar, of course. Fruit salad can also give you a very fresh and healthy feel to it. Apples, bananas, peaches and oranges are good examples of fruits that can be used as part the breakfast spread.

Vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, prunes, tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes, baked beans and cucumber can be used as part of the breakfast spread as well. Skim milk, low-fat yogurt and cheese that will ensure that you do not build in calories and can be used as an option along with one as well.

Whole wheat bread (Toast), cereals that are derivatives granola-based products are some of the options that you can use to help you build your vitamins and minerals the body needs before lunch. Hard boiled eggs, omelets, peanut butter, lean slices of meat that can be prepared as a quick sandwich (vegetarian, of course) just before you go to work.

A healthy breakfast is beneficial and is one that contains essential vitamins and minerals that will help you keep your energy high until lunchtime and last but not least, it will prevent you from over your calorie intake needed for the day. And because we have learned so far about healthy breakfast foods, do not you think the statement: “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper ‘is timeless principles that we can definitely build our lives?


Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Successful Weight Loss


It’s morning time, and you’re running late for work. You rush to shower and get dressed, and you notice time just slipping. You are almost out of the door, when you realize you have not eaten breakfast yet. Could you will seize power bar or muffin on the way out. Some people skip breakfast regularly. When it comes to living a healthy life, none of this is acceptable, nor is it a good way to start the day.

Eating healthy can be a challenge in this day and age. There is plenty of food in this country, but we are all starving for time. For most people, either we do not have breakfast at all, or we just do not have any good food we are eating breakfast. Starting the day on an empty stomach can cause blood sugar levels to be dangerously low. It causes you to have instant sugar fix, which can over-eat the wrong kinds of foods. Another problem is that the traditional breakfast that most people think is not very healthy. Pancakes, cereal, eggs, bacon, sausage, grits and donuts are very unhealthy and can cause you to gain weight.

Breakfast is the first food and drink that you have after more than eight to ten hours of recess. Research suggests that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it can affect the rest of the day. Medical journals also confirm that people who eat breakfast are less likely to be obese or suffer from diabetes. That is why it is important to eat a healthy breakfast every day. You want to choose quality nutrition to help you get started in the morning hours. So what are some healthy breakfast ideas that you can take to the table? Let’s take a look at some

Eat regular and consistent part of The optimal breakfast three factors; one serving of low-fat dairy product, one serving of whole grain carbs, and one serving of fruit. All these factors combined will equal roughly three hundred to five hundred calories. You can add a high protein serving as egg or lean meat if you want

Eating a bowl of sweet brown rice :. Brown rice is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It is packed with nutrients such as vitamin B and fiber. You can cook the rice the night before and then when you get up the next morning, add a little honey and some raisins. If you are not in the rice, you can substitute it with millet, quinoa, buckwheat, oats, red wheat, rye, or barley

Use organic eggs instead of the usual ones :. Organic eggs are not much more expensive than conventional ones. They are, however, much more nutritious and higher in omega-3 fatty acid

Use flaxseed :. flax seeds are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and can be sprinkled on top of yogurt, egg, smoothies and cereals

Add quality vitamins :. Take quality multi-vitamin with breakfast is going to help boost energy and focus

Eat a healthy breakfast does not have to be a chore. You can set aside part of the morning the night before going to sleep. Many people prepare entire meals and then store them in plastic containers in the fridge or freezer for later use. Then, when they are short on time, they can simply pop the plastic containers in the microwave, and in minutes have a healthy meal available. By doing this, they make sure that they always have a healthy meal available to them. The old saying “You are what you eat” rings true, so be sure to always eat a healthy breakfast to start the day.


Lose weight with a healthy breakfast!


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it needs to be both nutritious and filling. Avoid eating the wrong thing you head out the door or grabbing something nutritionally suspect later in the morning and hunger lemur. To be more prepared and eat healthy each morning.

Think about breakfast the night before. As you head home from work, from school run or meet friends, you need to think about what you have at home in the way of breakfast supplies, and be aware of the key issues are low. Too many people wake up to no milk and empty bread bag, settling instead for black coffee with zero calories.

Rather than help you maintain a healthy weight, skipping breakfast will help you to store extra weight in the form of fat! Making a note in the diary or notepad of items you need to buy will help you keep these things in constant supply.

nothing will set your day off to a worse place than if you do not fill your stomach with either the right fuel or enough fuel. If you find yourself running late, with the option to hand you can grab on the way out the door.

Get a good supply of protein, carbohydrates and fat quality breakfast. Grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl or Danish pastry will not cut it. Yes it will fill the gap, but it shall not be filled for long, because of the high sugar content of such foods. Instead, prepare breakfast the night before, if you know you need to be early or are likely to be dashed first thing.

Keep it simple and be realistic. If you know you have to be up early, do not plan to cook first. Chances are you will simply skip breakfast to save time. Make sure that you choose breakfast options that suit your lifestyle. Hectic schedules dictate cereal and toast, cold meats or food pre-prepared the night before

For nutritional satisfaction, steer clear of the following breakfast foods :. Sugary cereal (Frosted Flakes and sweetened muesli’s), white bread and cakes, fruit “flavored” yoghurts, muffins, corn syrup, and all other processed foods

Here are some healthy breakfast options to get you started – only choose one day:.!

Medium grain bowl of porridge oats mixed with water and / or organic milk, topped with a desert spoon linseeds and a handful of fruit (preferably berries or apples)

2 boiled eggs with 1-2 slices of buttered rye bread and Marmite

2 slices of smoked salmon with 2 scrambled eggs

3 tablespoons of natural organic yogurt, topped with pumpkin seeds and mixed fruit

Medium grain bowl of millet flakes with skimmed organic milk and a sprinkle of linseeds and raisins

A glass of natural yogurt smoothie with banana, raspberries and seeds

2 scrambled eggs on toasted Soya and Linseed bread with grilled mushrooms or raw red pepper

Medium grain bowl of organic muesli (about 3 tablespoons) of soy / rice milk and mixed berries

3 tablespoons of low-fat yogurt topped with fresh fruit (eg: pineapple, melon, strawberries)

2 poached eggs on buttered wholemeal muffin with a slice of bacon

glass of raspberry, mango and banana smoothie (mix with organic milk / yogurt)

Medium grain bowl of tinned prunes mixed with a small pot of low-fat fromage frais

Remember: be careful dosage sizes devices. If you are in doubt, underestimate and then add more.

Good luck and start your day right!


5 Great Healthy Breakfast Tips


It is very important that you eat a healthy breakfast to sustain the health, energy and weight loss. The key to eating a healthy breakfast and still achieve weight loss is to choose your food wisely. See our 5 tips to help you get off to a healthy start.

1 Make sure you eat breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and one that you should never consider dropping. A healthy breakfast is the meal that will kick-start your metabolism and get your body to burn calories, skip it and all you are doing by skipping it is sabotaging your weight loss plans. You may think it’s a good idea to save on calories by eating breakfast, but all you’re doing is making it more likely that you will need to snack later.

2 Beware of hidden sugar

Many breakfast cereals are not as healthy as they first appear and are actually loaded with sugar. In order to achieve weight loss, a breakfast full of sugar can lead to weight gain and energy spikes that can leave you feeling tired and lethargic after lunch. Check the sugar content of the grain carefully.

3 Go Steady with fruit juice

Although it is good for you, fruit juice is high in calories and can actually prevent weight loss. Sugar in fruit juice can cause power increase, so that a small glass, just to get the benefit of vitamins and drink water or green tea to hydrate yourself for the day. Drink more water has the added benefit of helping you feel fuller and avoid snacking and green tea has a whole host of great healthy benefits. One fabulous benefit of green tea is that it can help you lose weight. We highly recommend Tava Tea and best of green tea it has an exclusive blend of the three best green tea you will find.

4 start the day well

Breakfast is a meal that is going to set the tone for the day. Make it a super healthy breakfast and you will feel more motivated to continue to eat healthy all day. Avoid having fast food or fried breakfast, but choose something with vitamins and protein that will give you energy for the day ahead.

5 Think Super-Foods

Super-foods are ingredients known to really reduce the risk of various diseases. Fortunately, many of them are perfect for breakfast. Here are some suggestions that will get the day to a healthy start, bananas, oats, green tea, yogurt (fat-free), eggs, berries, nuts and seeds. Even if you only have a small amount of these materials, it is a good way to make sure you get something healthy at the beginning of each day.

If you struggle to have time to eat breakfast or you do not normally feel hungry first thing, plan ahead. Make it easy by preparing a healthy breakfast the night before so it is ready for you, or pack it up to take out with you to eat later in the morning to focus on other things, but you will still have to be psychologically prepared to eat. So you’ll still have time to make sure though that you eat a healthy breakfast within an hour to get up. This fuel get you early in the day and will give your metabolism a boost it needs.

If you feel you would like a healthy supplement to increase breakfast look great antioxidant, our Pure Acai Berry Max and Ultimate Maqui Berry and find out how to increase the value breakfast.


10 Easy and nutritious breakfast ideas for picky eaters


Breakfast starts the day. From smoothies and waffles, eggs, pancakes, and French toast – our ideas will help you make a simple breakfast food more special and get the day going on the right foot

cereal with milk

have two or three acceptable choices grain. Your kids will feel in control if you let them choose which dish they like and show you a selection of cereals. There are lots of options for mix-ins to make it extra special: bananas, fresh or dried berries, honey, almonds, raisins. You can also mix the cereal with yogurt or milk. If you’re concerned about all sugary cereals on the market – just do not buy them


The trick here is again offering choice !. The instant oatmeal variety packs work great. You can say, “Do blueberry, strawberry or peach oatmeal today?” To make it extra yummy and nutritious top with yogurt, applesauce, fruit, berries, maple syrup or honey. Just a few colorful sprinkles on top will make it look like fun


Most kids like eggs, and there are plenty of choices. You can ask your kids if they want an omelet, scrambled eggs or sunny side up. You can serve eggs with bacon or sausage, on the toasts, bagels, croissant or English muffins. The eggs go well with lots of cheese and toppings. They are yummy, easy to make, and will keep kids full and hours

Pancakes :.

pancakes are very quick and versatile. If you are in a hurry, put some frozen pancakes in a toaster, top with maple syrup and voila. If you are taking things slowly for a weekend morning, the children help mix the dough and get creative with fillings. Chopped apples, cranberries, peaches, raisins, sprinkles, chocolate chips, even marshmallows – they are all good! Top with your favorite jam or maple syrup and enjoy. Make sure to compliment the chefs

waffles and drinking yoghurt

For easy and healthy breakfast on the run, the best waffles. Toast delicious waffles and take drinkable yogurt with straw. It is nutritious, not messy, and can be eaten quickly on the way to the car, at your desk at work, or while waiting for class to start. Kids will be happy if they can choose from two flavors of yogurt or waffles

French Toast :.

French Toast is everyone’s favorite and is also a good use for old bread. It takes a few minutes, but it will smell and taste delicious and will put a smile on everyone’s face. With a little milk, egg, cinnamon and brown sugar, any old bread new life. Experiment with French bread, raisin bread, Challah bread wonderful French toast. For a very special treat try the French toast with bacon

Bagels with anything!

This is quick, easy and nutritious breakfast with plenty of ways to personalize. Do you want your bagel toasted, you want plain or strawberry cream cheese? Kids enjoy mini-bagels with flavored cream cheese, and cream cheese is only one of many toppings – try peanut butter and jelly, hummus, salmon, egg salad, tuna salad, cheese or turkey. For little kids, it’s a good idea to cut into small pieces to reduce the mess

smoothies :.

smoothies can be very easy and nutritious. Bananas, regular or chocolate milk, yogurt, ice cream, orange juice, honey, strawberries, blueberries, peanut butter – what’s in season and what’s in the fridge can go into the smoothie. Blend for 30 seconds and you are energized and ready to face the day! Kids love them


Baking Muffins are a great project to do with kids on a weekend morning. You get to spend quality time together, everybody gets a chance to tweak the recipe to taste and the house will smell awesome. In addition, muffins always come out right and taste good most of the time

Donuts, pop-tarts, cereal cakes :.

There is nothing wrong with the occasional breakfast pastries. So what if it has a lot of sugar and fat? It also has protein and carbohydrates and full of energy for an exciting day. A weekend or holiday the morning you can make extra special if it first thing in the morning all walks of bakery and pastry select your choice and then go out for a picnic in the park, the beach or the backyard.

If you are running late you can always grab something to eat on the way – poptart, banana, granola bar, orange. Relax and have fun with your breakfast, do not stress out about it, and soon it will become the most favorite meal of the day Kids!


5 Healthy Breakfast Menus – Plus How To Save Money On Breakfast!


Five Healthy Breakfast Menus You Can Easily make under 15 minutes. These menus are low cost, super simple, and delicious. The whole family will love These Five Healthy Breakfast Menus!

Lately I’ve been on the search for variety in meals for my family. Let’s start with Breakfast! I try to make a balanced breakfast with protein, whole grain carb, some healthy fat, and fruit. It Fills my family up until lunch time on school days. Here my Top Five Healthy Breakfast Menus-

  1. Whole wheat pita filled with scrambled eggs and cheese, add diced veggies in the eggs if the kids Will eat it, and strawberries on the side.
  2. Breakfast Burritos- Whole grain tortillas filled with scrambled eggs, sausage left over from the day beforehand, salsa, avocado, low-fat cheese, you name it, stick it in there. Find out what your family loves They. Be creative, use shrimp, leftover diced potatoes, etc., plus watermelon on the side.
  3. Hard boiled eggs (I have an egg cooker I got from Wal-greens, just pop the eggs in and it buzzes When They are done, super easy, cook extra for after school snacks), lean turkey sausage, Ezekiel bread Toasted (this stuff is SO healthy and my kids love it, Because They are use to it!) with 100% all fruit jelly, and sliced ​​banana on the side.
  4. Waffles or pancakes- Make from scratch, takes 5 min to stir together, and 7-8 minutes to cook, actually very easy, fresh, and healthy- Recipe: 2 cups whole wheat flour, 1 1/2 tsp baking powder , 1/2 tsp baking soda, pinch of stevia, 1/2 tsp sea salt, 4 tbsp soft butter, 2 1/2 cups milk or almond milk, 2 eggs, beaten. Mix dry first, then add the rest together, stir until well blended, Adjust the milk as Necessary, add a little extra for Thinner pancakes or less for Thicker pancakes. Can use recipe in a waffle maker or for pancakes. Cook for a few minutes on Each side, Variations; add mashed banana, pumpkin, blueberries, cinnamon, vanilla, diced apples, etc. Top with maple syrup, or honey. Try to stay away from regular pancake syrup, the stuff is no good- really. Or top with strawberries! Yum! (You Can make a double batch and stick the extras in the freezer, then on another day just pop themself in the Toaster for a quick breakfast!)
  5. Greek yogurt is amazing Because it is full of protein, it is great for breakfast with fruit, and half and of a whole wheat muffin Enska.

Plus two bonus Breakfast menus- (* smile *)

  1. Oatmeal is great, can the old fashioned oats, takes just five minutes to cook on the stove or microwave, stir in peanut butter, or a scoop of whey protein powder, top with a few nuts, sweeten with stevia or honey, Serve with sliced ​​apples or berries.
  2. Smoothies, You Can do all kind of things with smoothies. Now These do not Seem to keep my kids full as long, so you willhave to see how it works for your family. Start with ice, a scoop of whey protein powder, yogurt, fruit like bananas, strawberries, pineapple, etc. (yah, just throw what you have in there!), Sweeten with a tad bit of stevia, and blend!

As You Can Tell I like to use Stevia to sweeten Instead of sugar or artificial sugar. You can find Stevia anywhere now! Trader Joe’s, health food stores, grocery stores. Stevia is all natural, has no calories, and does not affectation your blood sugar level. It’s good stuff.

Money saving tips for my Five Healthy Breakfast menus-

  • Shop at a store Such as Sam’s Club or Costco for most items.
  • Watch store circular ads they began rock bottom sale prices, buy Those items in large quantities while They are at the Lowest price.
  • Shop health stores (SUCH AS Sprouts) That have big bins of grocery Stapel That you scoop yourself, items like whole wheat flour, oats, sea salt, beans, brown rice, etc. The prices are much lower in bulk bins. (Stay away from the bulk candy bins smile)
  • To save money on produce hit up Farmer’s Markets or Fruit Stands, prices are about a third of what you would pay in a normal store.
  • Make your own home-made muffins or scones using whole grains and natural sweeteners Instead of white flour and sugar, store in freezer. Pull out for breakfast or after school snacks!

I hope you enjoyed the Five Healthy Breakfast Menus and it Inspire you to try some new menus for your family. Have fun! If you plan ahead a bit You will be prepared to whip out breakfast in the morning in 15 minutes or less. You can do it! You are busy, but You Can have a nice family breakfast in the morning. It’s great to pull the family together in the morning for a nice breakfast, it does not need to be elaborate or fancy, but nutritious and fun! Send your kids off to school, or off to play after a warm loving breakfast (well, minus the sibling fighting, and the part about “hurry up so you will not be late for school.” Ha!).
