An Alternative Approach to breakfast for Teenage Athletes


You may have seen recently broadcast NBC News that highlights new research on the effects of skipping breakfast. It was done by the American Academy of Pediatrics (March 2008 newsletter, Vol. 121, No. 3), and says that skipping breakfast can be directly related to excess weight gain in college aged men and women.

Although at first it may seem strange that skipping meals would cause weight gain, there are some obvious reasons why this occurs. By waiting until lunch was the first meal of the day, this creates a very long window (approximately 12-15 hours) as food consumption occurs. This has a negative effect on metabolism, which slows down response to what is basically a daily fast. The reason is that most people make up for being hungry all morning with overeating later. They are more likely to choose foods that have higher fat and sugar content, whether they realize that they are doing it or not. Combine the two, and it is no surprise that eating patterns are leading to children becoming overweight.

One in four teenagers skip breakfast regularly. On top of the weight issue, this is still a serious problem for the group is still developing physically. Just vitamins, minerals, and calorie intake is essential for healthy growth during these years. And when you factor in the increasing energy needs of active athletes, skipping meals makes it incredibly difficult to physically function at an optimum level.

Working in middle school every day, along with training high-school-age athletes has given me a first-hand account of this situation. Kids list a variety of reasons why they skip breakfast. Some say they do not feel like eating in the morning, others say it bothers their stomach at school, makes them tired, or they just do not have enough time. Although few actually say it, social pressure to avoid becoming fat is the underlying issue with many of this age, which is ironic in light of this new study.

For these are all good reasons, and they don ‘t see how the value of breakfast is more all the downsides.

Re-Thinking Eating Times

Most kids are pretty reasonable when they are presented with a practical solution for their problems. If there was a way to solve the problems listed above, I think most people would see the value of the revised approach to eating around the school schedule.

Maybe it’s time to stop pushing the idea of ​​a big breakfast before school, and started pushing the idea of ​​multiple smaller meals between the morning and at the end of the school day. This revised approach will consider the caloric and vitamin needs, as well as to keep the metabolism running efficiently. It will also reduce the psychological need to overeat and make poor food choices later in the evening.

general rule of thumb would be to eat smaller version of breakfast before going to school, the mid-morning snack, a regular lunch and other snacks right around the end of the school day.

What this does is space out two meals for four of the nine-hour window. None of the meals are particularly large, and addresses all the concerns I’ve heard most often.

First, it will have only minutes to eat the first meal before leaving the house. Which reduces the time issue. Second, by keeping food small it reduces the volume of the stomach. It is important when you consider that children often have to sit in class for nearly seven hours a day, where heavy breakfast can be somewhat uncomfortable. Eating smaller meals also helps to prevent sluggish feeling that often comes with a high caloric intake in a short time. And finally, this program will rev up your metabolism every two to three hours, which will help to keep your body fat levels down in the long term.

Implementation of the strategy

In order to change their habits now skip breakfast, it will take a collective effort from children, parents and schools. Kids are the ones who have to change their habits, and have to take responsibility for themselves. To help educate them only, they should be aware of the study we mentioned earlier. When presented with this alternative eating plan, it will ultimately be up to them to choose whether they want to follow it or not.

Parents need to make foods that fit best for each mini-meal accessible at all times, including many items that can be eaten on the go. Without proper food, this program will not function. Parents also would benefit from encouraging healthy eating lifestyle, hopefully even watch it, and give out information about the content that they can. Believe it or not, many teens really listen logic when they are truly the left with the final choice of whether to use it or not.

And finally, the schools system can influence the eating patterns of their students. If it is not already allowed, students should be able to eat snacks in a class of structured times (mid-morning, late in the day before practice, etc). Even better, some school employees could run a snack shop that is only stocked with healthy items such as fruit, cereal bars, healthy trail mix, water and juices. And despite great pressure to meet state testing standards, teachers and managers should seek to find ways to educate students on healthy eating. Mathematics and science classes would be the most logical area where you can create a standards-based lessons that integrate concepts of proper vitamin and mineral intake, calorie control and other concepts Basic nutrition.

which foods to emphasize at every meal

Although it eats someone’s most personal choice, there are some common sense basics that apply to many situations. What is suggested below are general guidelines and not rigid rules that can prevent you from following the healthy eating plan. Remember to eat almost everything in the morning is better than nothing

Meal # 1 -. This is the first meal after sleep, and it should contain the appropriate amount of protein. Many positive events as muscle repair occurs only when the body has protein readily available, and at this time of day there is always lacking. Omelette or high glass of milk would be great, but even something as simple as putting peanut butter on a bagel would do the trick. A bowl of healthy cereal with low-fat milk is also a great choice. Something to drink, like a glass of juice, is also fast, adding more vitamins to a meal, and is easy to add

Meal # 2 -. This is usually eaten during the school day, so it should be small, on-the-go item or two. This would be a great time to add fruit to your diet. One or two pieces are ideal, on your calorie needs. Other items such as protein bars, cereal bars and healthy trail mix also fit well

Meal # 3 -. Lunchtime. Ideally, it would contain something like a sandwich with vegetables, lean protein (chicken, turkey, lean roast beef) and whole-grain bread, as well as a drink and / or fruit. Many guys are tied to the School Lunch choices, which are often high in fat and sodium, and do not fit in with a healthy eating plan. Unless the school has healthy choices in their cafeteria, you should bring a lunch from home

Meal # 4 -. A small, on-the-go type snacks. The timing of this meal should factor in any after-school movement. Give yourself about 60-90 minutes before exercise (or a game) to digest this snack. This will likely prevent stomach upset. Something like Power Bar was just enough to control your appetite until dinner. This snack should be high in carbohydrates, especially if you have energy for the sport after school.

Throughout the day you should also be consuming water. Depending on the age, size, and are active, either one or two 16 oz phone. bottles should. Use your own discretion, and make it a habit to have a water bottle with you throughout the school day.

Follow this with a vitamin and mineral-rich dinner later in the evening, and you have an outline for a healthy eating plan. Late-night snacks probably will not even be thinking after consuming five meals, so you will probably fall poor habits that would otherwise keep you from being hungry when you wake up.

There will be some cost to get the food necessary for this program, but it should be offset by the need to stock up on unhealthy snacks around the house. This will require some preparation and a little planning, but the positives easily outweigh the initial discomfort.

By following this sensible eating plan you can expect to see many benefits over time. Energy, sports performance, appearance, and overall health will all recover. Once you get over the first switch it becomes a habit, and you’ll wonder why you ever skipped breakfast in the first place.
