5 Best Healthy Breakfast Foods


There are two reasons why it is so important to eat a healthy breakfast. For one, it sets the tempo for the rest of the day. If you start with a healthy meal, it is much easier to have healthy food later in the day.

Second, it gets your metabolism going. Once you’ve just woken up, you go at least 8 hours without food. Your body is in starvation mode and horde all the energy it has. Eat a healthy meal gets your body out of starvation mode INTO calorie burning mode.

Unfortunately, many eating really unhealthy foods for breakfast or skip it entirely. This is a bad idea. No matter how busy you are in the morning, you need to take time to prepare and eat good, nutritious meal

I’ll give you five Staples healthy breakfasts that you are going to. love. No matter how much time you have in the morning to prepare, and no matter what your taste buds respond, I promise you that you will like at least one of these staples.

They have an almost infinite variety and combinations, so they should keep you busy for a long time. Let’s dive right in!

1. Egg

eggs are absolutely, positively amazing for you. Frankly, eggs are one of the healthiest foods out there, regardless of the health and fitness goals, you should be eating them.

Some people are turned off by the high fat and cholesterol counts whole eggs. While egg whites are indeed healthy, and contains most of the nutrients is the egg. Do not be afraid to eat the whole egg – no one has ever had a heart attack because they ate too many eggs

There are all kinds of ways to prepare eggs. You can scramble them, cook them over easy, poach them, or even hard boil and keep enough of them to last you all week. Because eggs have a neutral taste, you can experiment with different spices.

For example, if you sprinkle some lemon and parsley, it will have a Middle Eastern flavor. If you add olive oil, garlic and basil, then it must have an Italian taste. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to cook ethnic food, there is no better place to do it than the egg!

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great weight loss foods. For one, it is packed with fiber, which will give you that “full” feeling anymore. In addition, oatmeal is a complex carb, which means it takes longer for the body to process and store it as fat.

Replace simple carbohydrates, like white bread, with complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, is one of the fundamental changes you need to make to your diet to maintain a healthy weight.

What makes oatmeal special is that, like eggs, you can create all kinds of neat trick meals out of it. Try mixing it with apples and cinnamon, or play around with peanut butter and blueberries. The possibilities are endless!

3. Greek Yogurt

Who does not like yogurt? OK, I know a few people who do not know, but come on, it’s delicious!

Now when I say that yogurt is a great breakfast food, I’m not talking about the great market that are loaded with sugar

The absolute best kind of yogurt you can eat is greek yogurt :. it is loaded with protein and contains no sugar. It is the taste a little plain, which is why you want to spruce it up with some …

4. Does

little earlier reminded you of how important it to avoid simple carbohydrates such as sugar. Well it is a little simple, because there are actually a few sugar that are very good for you, such as those found in fruit.

In particular, the berries are absolutely phenomenal for you. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries … whatever you can get your hands on. These do not require any preparation and go with everything else on this list.

5. Green Tea

When it comes to drinks, stay away from the juice you buy in the store. Most of this is just a sugary paste which will not do much for you.

A lot of people drink coffee, which is fine. There have been many studies done on coffee, it does not have any long-term negative impact on you.

That said, if you want a nice kick and some serious health effects, look no further than green tea. Installation Green tea is the “wonder” drink only gets bigger every year, and the hype is real. It is loaded with antioxidants and will help wake up and focus your mind.

Try adding it to your morning routine, along with other staples that we’ve talked about in this article, and your body will thank you many times!


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